I have not updated this blog for a minute, and there are a lot of things to catch up!
First of all, I finally finished my A.A degree, and I have tranfered to a University to pursue my Bachelor degree. I have moved into a new apartment and honestly, there are many things going on. I have new roommates and I'm living 2 hours away from my parents and my boyfriend, also many of my closest friends. I have to get a new job and get use to a lot of new things.
I'm still very confused and trying my best to figure out how this will work out, since I have never moved to any new places all by myself before. But I'm hoping that everything will be fine so I can get done with school soon!
Awhile ago, I have receieved another box from BuzzAgent.com. If you guys didn't know, this website offers free products to people based on the surverys that you take on their website, and once you received the products, just log back on your account and write a review or feedbacks, you can also post on your social networks to help promote or share your experience about the website/ products.
This new box that I got from Buzz Agent was the Clear Acne Kit from Paula's Choice. At first, I had some doubt about this kit because I have never heard of +Paula's Choice Skincare before. But I thought I might just give it a try. Personally, I do have some acne problems, especially when I put on heavy makeup (Foundation, concealer, powders, ect.), also because the lack of sleep due to some work and personal reasons.
The First week of using Paula's Choice, the redness of my face has gone down. The acne problem didn't go away, but at least my skin looks more toned. I was pretty impressed, because I wasn't expecting any result at first.
The Second week, which was also the same week that I moved into my new apartment, and I was going to interviews everyday for a new job, I caked my face with heavy makeup almost everyday, so my face was having a break out. Acne got even worse and the redness came back. (I'm guessing because of the makeup and also the makeup remover wipes that could irritate my skin)
After that, I stopped using any face makeup for 2 weeks and used the Clear Acne Kit for 2 weeks straight (2-3 times a day). I could see that my face has cleared up a lot. I still have acne, but the redness has gone down and my skin looks better than before.
Overall, I would say that it is a pretty good product, although there could be some improvement, and I would suggest that maybe they could have a line for face wash plus makeup remover all in one. I'm sure a lot of the makeup girls would love that! But I will still continue to use the kit and hopefully they will have some new and improved products soon.
Little bit of Mellys Life
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Back To School (Volunteer Events)
As August is slowly reaching its end, which means it is +BackToSchool season again!
This Fall Semester, not only that I will be going to school, but I will also be planing +Volunteer events on and off campus. As a +Volunteer coordinator, I will be planning 3 off campus events and 2 on campus events to bring the students on campus and the whole community together. To be honest, this is a brand new experience for me. I have volunteered at many places for the past 5 years, but I have never actually plan an volunteer event before. I think this will be an exciting and fun experience.
One of the jobs of being a +Volunteer coordinator is to connnect and get in contact with different communities and organizations in the area. And I am hoping that if anyone has suggestions of which organizations that they think need help or need volunteers, or any organizations that want to team up with us on campus, Please let me know by adding a comment below.
My school is at East Orlando, Florida area. And if you need more infornmation, please also leave a comment below!
Hope everyone have a great +BackToSchool shopping and is ready for school !
This Fall Semester, not only that I will be going to school, but I will also be planing +Volunteer events on and off campus. As a +Volunteer coordinator, I will be planning 3 off campus events and 2 on campus events to bring the students on campus and the whole community together. To be honest, this is a brand new experience for me. I have volunteered at many places for the past 5 years, but I have never actually plan an volunteer event before. I think this will be an exciting and fun experience.
One of the jobs of being a +Volunteer coordinator is to connnect and get in contact with different communities and organizations in the area. And I am hoping that if anyone has suggestions of which organizations that they think need help or need volunteers, or any organizations that want to team up with us on campus, Please let me know by adding a comment below.
My school is at East Orlando, Florida area. And if you need more infornmation, please also leave a comment below!
Hope everyone have a great +BackToSchool shopping and is ready for school !
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
4th of July with Jamboo Headphones (UPDATED)
If you missed the chance to place the order, don't worry! you can still use the code melody15 for 15% off!
Place the order onlone now: http://www.jambooheadphones.com/
I know I haven't updated anything for awhile, because of my Summer term classes. But since it's gonne be July 4th tomorrow which means no classes tomorrow, I'm actually very excited for Independence Day this year, even though it will probably rain ( you know, just the bipolar wearther in Florida.)
I have been a Campus Rep for this new +headphones comany called Jamboo Headphones. They make +Headphones with bamboo and also put different colors and patterns of cottons over the headphones which make them look very badass and unique. I've been stopped by so many people on campus and ask me where did I get my headphones from. I have been using mine for awhile now and I absolutly love mine.
They have a lot of different styles that represent different nature. I will put some pictures and the link the website below.
If you guys are interested about buying a pair, you can use the coupon code melody15 for 33% off (works from Thursday thru Sunday! 7/4-7/7)
The code melody15 will also work after Sunday(July,7th) for 15%off
Jamboo Headphones' Website: http://www.jambooheadphones.com/
Give them a Like Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JambooHeadphones
If you have any questions, feel free to leave comments below/ Leave a common on my Instagram melody1207ny or go on their Facebook Fan Page that I linked above and let them know!
Hope everyone have a great Independence Day/ Weekend have don't forget to order your stylish headphones from http://www.jambooheadphones.com/ with the code melody15
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Karmaloop and Plndr
Today, I want to talk about a clothing website Karmaloop , and one of their "sister websites" PLNDR
Personally, I shop jewlery and accessories on Karmaloop and I shop for more streetwear style clothing on Plndr. I just bought some snapbacks from Plndr few days ago and I love them! If you have never heard of these websites, you should go check them out! they have all their assicociate websites on the top of their page. And I will also put the link of Karmaloop/ Plndr websites at the end of this post.
I think Karmaloop has jewlery and accesories that are more edgy and some urban fashion clothing. Karmaloop also carries over 500 streetwear brands; including some of the famous brands like Vans, Mishka , +CrooksAndCastles, +diamondsupply co ect. Their website has many different kind of streetwear styles, which I think it's awesome, because you can get different kind of styles from various brands at once. I would prefer to go on one website and get everything I need then go through 10 websites to find the clothes I want.
And the other website Plndr is bascially Karmaloop's website for flash sales, they have flash sales everyday from many different brands. I actually like Plndr more than Karmaloop, because with flash sales, you can get something new everyday with cheaper price. Most of their sales are up to 3 days, but not all. On the website, it will tell you how much time is left for the sale so there will be no confusion about it.
So if you do like the streetwear style kind of clothing or accessories, go check out their websites
Make sure to sign up for their newsletters, you can comment your email below and I will send you an invite. ALSO When you buy something from their website, before you check out, make sure to put STYLE669 on REP CODE for discount. If you use it by itself with no other codes, it will get you 20% off on karmaloop the first time and 10% off after the first time.
The code STYLE669 will also get you 10% off on Plndr and other associate websites.
If you Do use other promo code from the website, AND use STYLE669 for rep code, you will get the discount from the promo code And 1% off from the rep code (1% is better than nothing!)
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a common below!
Happy Shopping on Karmaloop/ Plndr and make sure to use STYLE669 for more discounts!
Personally, I shop jewlery and accessories on Karmaloop and I shop for more streetwear style clothing on Plndr. I just bought some snapbacks from Plndr few days ago and I love them! If you have never heard of these websites, you should go check them out! they have all their assicociate websites on the top of their page. And I will also put the link of Karmaloop/ Plndr websites at the end of this post.
I think Karmaloop has jewlery and accesories that are more edgy and some urban fashion clothing. Karmaloop also carries over 500 streetwear brands; including some of the famous brands like Vans, Mishka , +CrooksAndCastles, +diamondsupply co ect. Their website has many different kind of streetwear styles, which I think it's awesome, because you can get different kind of styles from various brands at once. I would prefer to go on one website and get everything I need then go through 10 websites to find the clothes I want.
And the other website Plndr is bascially Karmaloop's website for flash sales, they have flash sales everyday from many different brands. I actually like Plndr more than Karmaloop, because with flash sales, you can get something new everyday with cheaper price. Most of their sales are up to 3 days, but not all. On the website, it will tell you how much time is left for the sale so there will be no confusion about it.
So if you do like the streetwear style kind of clothing or accessories, go check out their websites
Make sure to sign up for their newsletters, you can comment your email below and I will send you an invite. ALSO When you buy something from their website, before you check out, make sure to put STYLE669 on REP CODE for discount. If you use it by itself with no other codes, it will get you 20% off on karmaloop the first time and 10% off after the first time.
The code STYLE669 will also get you 10% off on Plndr and other associate websites.
If you Do use other promo code from the website, AND use STYLE669 for rep code, you will get the discount from the promo code And 1% off from the rep code (1% is better than nothing!)
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a common below!
Happy Shopping on Karmaloop/ Plndr and make sure to use STYLE669 for more discounts!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Bath And Body Works
A lot of people probably doesn't know about this little secret about me, but like most of the other females on this planet, I LOVE +Bath and Body Works , and I will put pictures of some of the BBW products I have.
I have to say, I used to love products like Sweet on Paris and Sparking Blackberry Woods, They are more of a sweet sence, but lately, I have fallen in love with the Aromatherapy Collection. My mom tried the Relax lotion and she loved it, so we went back to the store to get more, but it was out, so I decided to try the energy (lemon zest) instead, and I have been using it ever since.It sells good, the lemon sence helps to wake me up in the morning and before/after workouts.
For the candles, I used to love Frosted Cupcake. It was the first BBW candle I bought and I went back and bought whole bunch of it. But since it is Spring/ Summer now, I was looking for some candles that fits for the seasons, so I went to the store and picked up Lemon Mint Leaf and Japanese Cherry Blossom. I think the lemon and minty smell is perfect for Spring, it smells really nice and it really calms me down especially when I have a busy and stressful day. Then the Japanese Cherry Blossom, it is like a classic sense from BBW, if you don't know what sence to get, you can't go wrong with Japanese Cherry Blossom, and I think the cherry smell really brings out the Spring.
I don't really like a lot of the anti-bacteria hand gel from BBW, because a lot of them have really strong alcohol smell, but there are few that actually smells good. The first one is the Summer Escape. I have the big bottle (7.6 fl oz) of this sence (I don't know if they have this sence in small bottle) and it gives you that Summer feeling when you smell it even though it still has that nasty alcohol smell. And my other favorite is the Black Pearl. It looks really pretty, it has this gray/blackish sparks and smells nice. It has this sweet smell, even though the smell doesn't really remind me of black pearls but it is a good senc over all.
For the hand soap. I can't even decide which one is my favorite, I feel like they really don't have any hand soap that smells bad. When I go in and buy handsoaps, I just grab whatever sence I haven't tried before, and they've never disappointed me. Also, a lot of hand soap sences are also the same one as the lotions/candles or the small anti-bacteria hand gels, so you probably already know a lot of sences from other products.
Overall, I think BBW does have some really great products, I know I only talked about few products they have, but you can go online or go to the store and check out their products. And don't forget to sign up for their email newsletters, they will send you email everyday and let you know if they have any special offers or Coupons.
Disclaimer: I am not being sponsered by Bath and Body Works or any company for writing this review.

I have to say, I used to love products like Sweet on Paris and Sparking Blackberry Woods, They are more of a sweet sence, but lately, I have fallen in love with the Aromatherapy Collection. My mom tried the Relax lotion and she loved it, so we went back to the store to get more, but it was out, so I decided to try the energy (lemon zest) instead, and I have been using it ever since.It sells good, the lemon sence helps to wake me up in the morning and before/after workouts.
For the candles, I used to love Frosted Cupcake. It was the first BBW candle I bought and I went back and bought whole bunch of it. But since it is Spring/ Summer now, I was looking for some candles that fits for the seasons, so I went to the store and picked up Lemon Mint Leaf and Japanese Cherry Blossom. I think the lemon and minty smell is perfect for Spring, it smells really nice and it really calms me down especially when I have a busy and stressful day. Then the Japanese Cherry Blossom, it is like a classic sense from BBW, if you don't know what sence to get, you can't go wrong with Japanese Cherry Blossom, and I think the cherry smell really brings out the Spring.
I don't really like a lot of the anti-bacteria hand gel from BBW, because a lot of them have really strong alcohol smell, but there are few that actually smells good. The first one is the Summer Escape. I have the big bottle (7.6 fl oz) of this sence (I don't know if they have this sence in small bottle) and it gives you that Summer feeling when you smell it even though it still has that nasty alcohol smell. And my other favorite is the Black Pearl. It looks really pretty, it has this gray/blackish sparks and smells nice. It has this sweet smell, even though the smell doesn't really remind me of black pearls but it is a good senc over all.
For the hand soap. I can't even decide which one is my favorite, I feel like they really don't have any hand soap that smells bad. When I go in and buy handsoaps, I just grab whatever sence I haven't tried before, and they've never disappointed me. Also, a lot of hand soap sences are also the same one as the lotions/candles or the small anti-bacteria hand gels, so you probably already know a lot of sences from other products.
Overall, I think BBW does have some really great products, I know I only talked about few products they have, but you can go online or go to the store and check out their products. And don't forget to sign up for their email newsletters, they will send you email everyday and let you know if they have any special offers or Coupons.
Disclaimer: I am not being sponsered by Bath and Body Works or any company for writing this review.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Maybelline Rocket Volume Express Mascara (Review)
I don't think I have ever mentioned this before, but I usually don't use mascara! Because I normally go with the false lashes, I think it is faster and easier to apply (I use the +e.l.f. Cosmetics false lashes, I might do a review on the product soon!) But lately I ran out of the false lashes glue so I started using mascara again. And I know everyone on youtube and blog all talked about how amazing is the new +Maybelline The Rocket Volume Express Mascara, and I have to say, this mascara is probably the most amazing and the best mascara I have ever tried!
I used to use falses lashes because I have never tried any mascara that works good for my lashes, I have tried every brands of mascara, but they either don't make my lashes long enough or weight down my lashes. Sometimes even make my lower eyes look like I have dark circles. Until I tried the Maybelline Stiletto mascara line, I was impressed of how long the mascara makes me lashes look, but even with the waterproof one, it still weighted down my lashes (waterproof mascara was suppose to be lghter than the regular ones) And lately, I have decided to try the new Rocket Volume Express. This mascara is so light, yet it makes my lashes super long ( I have only tried the waterproof one) And it does NOT make me look like I have dark eye circles! Hands Down, the best mascara I have ever tried in my life! When I apply it on my lashes, there is literally NO CLUMS!
If you have not yet tried the Maybelline Rocket Volume Express mascara, I strongly suggest you to go to basically any drugstore and get it! I usually put on a coat of Rocket Volume Express waterproof, then Lash Stilletto Waterproof, and another coat of Rocket Volume Express waterproof. They give me the False lashes effect which I think is awesome!
Monday, April 1, 2013
So lately I have been using the new +Garnier Fructis hydra recharge Shampoo, Conditioner and 1 minute treament. and there is only one word I can use to describe these products. AMAZING!
First the products look really nice, the clear see through bottle ( And on the bottle it says it contains 30% recycle plastic, and it is made of PET, the most widely recycled plastic) and I have to say it smells pretty good too! The first time I tried it, I didn't really like it a lot because it didn't have a lot of bubbles, but the second time I tried it, I put more water on my hair to wet it and put some water on the shapoo I put on my hand and I was very satisfied with the result.
Then I used the conditioner, which also smelled good. I left it on for about 2 minutes and washed it off, I could already feel my hair getting softer, then I used the 1 minute treatment, and washed it off. I have never felt my hair being so soft before. After I washed my hair, I sprayed the TRESemme Thermal Creations on my hair (I have been using it for months) then blow dried my hair. I have to say, my hair had never been so soft and healthy before. I would give it 4.5/5 stars.
I have seen these products being sold at Target and Drugstore.com. I am sure they also sell them at many different stores, especially drug stores. But here is the link for the Garnier Fructis Conditioner on drugstore.com : http://www.drugstore.com/garnier-fructis-haircare-hydra-recharge-fortifying-conditioner-for-normal-to-dry-hair/qxp466358?aid
ALSO! I want to mention and thank BUZZAGENT for sending me these Garnier Fructis Hydra Recharge products for free to let me try these amazing products!

Image: http://www.twistmagazine.com/Garnier-Fructis-Hydra-Recharge-Collection-Giveaway.jpg
<img src="https://img.bzzagent.com/image/garnierHydra.jpg?Type=activity&Activity=5610521272&Campaign=6404167871&Uid=1396442&token=867b50b7070b4813cdafe20d493fcd61" alt=""/>
First the products look really nice, the clear see through bottle ( And on the bottle it says it contains 30% recycle plastic, and it is made of PET, the most widely recycled plastic) and I have to say it smells pretty good too! The first time I tried it, I didn't really like it a lot because it didn't have a lot of bubbles, but the second time I tried it, I put more water on my hair to wet it and put some water on the shapoo I put on my hand and I was very satisfied with the result.
Then I used the conditioner, which also smelled good. I left it on for about 2 minutes and washed it off, I could already feel my hair getting softer, then I used the 1 minute treatment, and washed it off. I have never felt my hair being so soft before. After I washed my hair, I sprayed the TRESemme Thermal Creations on my hair (I have been using it for months) then blow dried my hair. I have to say, my hair had never been so soft and healthy before. I would give it 4.5/5 stars.
I have seen these products being sold at Target and Drugstore.com. I am sure they also sell them at many different stores, especially drug stores. But here is the link for the Garnier Fructis Conditioner on drugstore.com : http://www.drugstore.com/garnier-fructis-haircare-hydra-recharge-fortifying-conditioner-for-normal-to-dry-hair/qxp466358?aid
ALSO! I want to mention and thank BUZZAGENT for sending me these Garnier Fructis Hydra Recharge products for free to let me try these amazing products!
Image: http://www.twistmagazine.com/Garnier-Fructis-Hydra-Recharge-Collection-Giveaway.jpg
<img src="https://img.bzzagent.com/image/garnierHydra.jpg?Type=activity&Activity=5610521272&Campaign=6404167871&Uid=1396442&token=867b50b7070b4813cdafe20d493fcd61" alt=""/>
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