Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Update & Product Review (PAULA’S CHOICE CLEAR ACNE KIT)

I have not updated this blog for a minute, and there are a lot of things to catch up!

First of all, I finally finished my A.A degree, and I have tranfered to a University to pursue my  Bachelor degree. I have moved into a new apartment and honestly, there are many things going on. I have new roommates and I'm living 2 hours away from my parents and my boyfriend, also many of my closest friends. I have to get a new job and get use to a lot of new things.
I'm still very confused and trying my best to figure out how this will work out, since I have never moved to any new places all by myself before. But I'm hoping that everything will be fine so I can get done with school soon!

Awhile ago, I have receieved another box from If you guys didn't know, this website offers free products to people based on the surverys that you take on their website, and once you received the products, just log back on your account and write a review or feedbacks, you can also post on your social networks to help promote or share your experience about the website/ products.

This new box that I got from Buzz Agent was the Clear Acne Kit from Paula's Choice. At first, I had some doubt about this kit because I have never heard of +Paula's Choice Skincare  before. But I thought I might just give it a try. Personally, I do have some acne problems, especially when I put on heavy makeup (Foundation, concealer, powders, ect.), also because the lack of sleep due to some work and personal reasons.

The First week of using Paula's Choice, the redness of my face has gone down. The acne problem didn't go away, but at least my skin looks more toned. I was pretty impressed, because I wasn't expecting any result at first.

The Second week, which was also the same week that I moved into my new apartment, and I was going to interviews everyday for a new job, I caked my face with heavy makeup almost everyday, so my face was having a break out. Acne got even worse and the redness came back. (I'm guessing because of the makeup and also the makeup remover wipes that could irritate my skin)

After that, I stopped using any face makeup for 2 weeks and used the Clear Acne Kit for 2 weeks straight (2-3 times a day). I could see that my face has cleared up a lot. I still have acne, but the redness has gone down and my skin looks better than before.

Overall, I would say that it is a pretty good product, although there could be some improvement, and I would suggest that maybe they could have a line for face wash plus makeup remover all in one. I'm sure a lot of the makeup girls would love that! But I will still continue to use the kit and hopefully they will have some new and improved products soon.

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